Breakfast time in a family is not just about eating; it’s a precious moment to bond, share, and create fun memories. As parents, we’re always on the lookout for recipes that are not only nutritious and easy to prepare but also enjoyable for the kids to eat. This is where our favorite recipe, Banana Chocolate Chip Kodiak Waffles, comes into play.

A waffle iron is essential to this recipe. We made it two years without one, but once we got it I don’t think we could go back! You don’t need to spend a ton, this is what we use and it works really well.

The Joy of Cooking Together

There’s something magical about cooking with your kids. It’s an opportunity for learning, bonding, and of course, making a bit of a mess! Preparing these waffles together can become a cherished morning ritual. The simplicity of the recipe means that kids can get hands-on, whether it’s mashing the bananas or sprinkling in the chocolate chips. These moments are not just about preparing food; they’re about creating lasting memories and instilling a love for cooking in your little ones.

Why Kodiak Cakes Mix?

We chose Kodiak Cakes Power Cakes Mix as the base for our waffles for several reasons. Firstly, it’s packed with protein, which is essential for growing kids. It’s also made with whole grains, offering a healthy dose of fiber. Plus, the mix is incredibly versatile and easy to work with, making it perfect for quick morning recipes.


  • 2 cups Kodiak Cakes Power Cakes Mix
  • 1.5 cups milk
  • 2 large eggs
  • 2 mashed bananas
  • A handful (or two) of chocolate chips
  • 2 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted or 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil
  • 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  • Non-stick cooking spray for the waffle iron

Let’s Get Cooking!

1. Preheating the Waffle Iron

Begin your waffle-making adventure by plugging in your waffle iron and setting it to your preferred level of “doneness.” Whether you like your waffles slightly golden or deeply bronzed, this is where you make that crucial choice.

2. Mixing the Ingredients

While the waffle iron heats, it’s time to mix the ingredients. This is the fun part where the kids can get involved. Start by combining the Kodiak mix, milk, and eggs in a large bowl. Then, let the little ones take turns mashing the bananas and adding them to the mix. Next, stir in the melted butter, vanilla extract, and the star of the show – chocolate chips. The beauty of this recipe lies in its flexibility; feel free to adjust the amount of chocolate chips according to your preference.

3. Cooking the Waffles

Now, the exciting part! Spray the preheated waffle iron with non-stick cooking spray. Pour enough batter to just cover the bottom plate of the waffle iron – a great task for older kids under supervision. Remember, overfilling leads to messy spills, so this step is crucial. Close the waffle iron and wait for that satisfying green light or beep, signaling your waffles are ready.

4. Serving and Enjoying

Once cooked, carefully remove the waffles and serve them hot. Here’s where you can get creative with toppings. While some may prefer the classic drizzle of syrup, others might opt for a dollop of yogurt, a sprinkle of berries, or a dusting of powdered sugar. The beauty of these waffles is that they’re delightful with just about any topping.

Nutritional Benefits

These Banana Chocolate Chip Kodiak Waffles are not just delicious; they’re packed with nutrition. The Kodiak mix provides a great protein boost, essential for muscle growth and repair. Bananas add a natural sweetness along with potassium and dietary fiber. Eggs contribute to the protein count and are a good source of vitamins and minerals. Lastly, the chocolate chips, while a treat, contain antioxidants.

Tips for the Perfect Waffles

  • Temperature Control: Getting the right temperature on your waffle iron can make a big difference. Experiment a bit to find the sweet spot for your perfect waffle.
  • Banana Ripeness: The riper the banana, the sweeter and more flavorful your waffles will be.
  • Mixing: Don’t overmix the batter; a few lumps are okay. Overmixing can lead to tough waffles.
  • Serving: Serve the waffles immediately for the best texture. If you need to keep them warm, place them in a single layer on a baking sheet in a warm oven.


These Banana Chocolate Chip Kodiak Waffles are more than just a breakfast option; they’re a way to make mornings special and nutritious. They offer a perfect blend of fun, flavor, and health, making them a hit among both kids and adults. So, the next time you’re pondering over a breakfast option, whip out that waffle iron and create some delicious memories with your family. After all, nothing beats the sound of laughter and the smell of waffles in the morning!

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